Resource Library
This online resource library is a compilation of deaf- and sign language-related resources from different countries that will benefit those who are connected to the Singapore Deaf Community in some way.

I sometimes receive queries from various stakeholders regarding various topics related to sign language communities and deaf people. These stakeholders are deaf people from different walks of life, teachers of the deaf, interpreters, parents of deaf children, SgSL instructors, disability service organisations, deaf ministries in churches and so on. Therefore, I decided to establish this resource library so that people can download information they might need. This is essential as access to such information is very lacking in Singapore.
This resource library will continually be a work-in-progress as new resources will be added from time to time. Click on the "Enter" button above to access the resource library. You will see a list of resources arranged according to different categories.
If you have a question that can't be addressed by any of the resources listed, feel free to contact me. I will do my best to answer your queries and find a relevant resource.