I have spent the past week reflecting on the last 2 years. Enjoyed a few catch ups with family and friends in between whilst carving out solitude for myself.
It has been exactly 2 years and 8 months since I returned to Singapore from the USA in April 2020. 2021 and 2022 have come and gone by in a flash. Despite all the ups and downs since I started my PhD at NTU in January 2021, there is much to be thankful for.
Here is my gratitude list:
Reuniting with family since my return to Singapore from the USA in April 2020
Watching my niece grow the past 2 years since she was born on Dec 5, 2020. She turned 2 years old recently
Reconnecting with old friends in Singapore and making new friends locally as well as internationally
Passed my PhD Qualifying Exam (QE) on Friday August 12, 2022 and progressed to PhD Candidate. Now, I am in the all but dissertation (ABD) stage. In awe and very thankful for how the sign language interpreting arrangements fell nicely into place for this exam. Accessibility has been a huge challenge here in Singapore and there have been many hurdles to overcome. Will write a more in-depth reflection on this in a future blog post
For a supportive Thesis Advisory Committee. My PhD supervisor, Co-supervisor, mentor and external member have each been supportive in their own way.
Friends and colleagues in the US, UK, and Singapore who have been supportive and encouraging during my PhD journey
Gained experience as a Teaching Assistant where I got to grade student papers for an undergraduate linguistics module on Semantics and Pragmatics
Gave a panel presentation on "The Deaf World in Singapore" organised by the National Library Board
Gave two virtual guest presentations on zoom - One on language attitudes to a group of American deaf missionaries training under Pioneer Bible Translators. The other on deaf identities to a group of hearing missionaries in the Asia Pacific region as part of the LEAD Asia-Pacific Literacy & Education CoP Call
Participated in the PhD Deaf retreat in Norway in December
Participated in a few sessions in the Wycliffe Singapore missions mentoring program in the first half of the year
Attended the re-entry overnight retreat held at the OMF office for returned missionaries on October 1 & 2. I learned that there is such a thing as missionary grief. It's been helpful for me to process the grief I experienced as a result of the massive layoff at the bible translation organisation I used to work for in the US. I have learned what it means to adapt and flourish forward
Health & Fitness
Had dengue fever for 2 weeks in July, just a month before my QE and was on MC for 10 days. Thankful that I recovered
I completed the Standard Chartered Half Marathon of 21.1km on Sunday Dec 4 2022 and clocked a finish time of 3 hours 51 minutes and 11 seconds. My very first time doing a half marathon! I thought that it was a feat, especially since it was raining heavily prior to the start of the race. It was great to do this together with a few deaf friends. Running is one of the things that has kept me motivated during my PhD. I hope I get the opportunity to do another race next year
2022 has been such an interesting year. 2023 is about to get even more interesting...
Bye 2022...Onward to 2023!